Get Ankh Healing Today for $4.95 and…  

Learn the Ancient Egyptian Energy Healing system that pours love into your body and regulates your nervous system

Experience these Effects Tangibly and Directly…

Especially If You’ve Tried Countless Other Ways Without Any Lasting Success

… Inside This Book, I’ll Show You Step-By-Step how to utilize the power of Ankh Healing Breathwork, Visualization, Meditation, and Ankh Energy Healing to Help You…

Expand Your Consciousness In a Safe Way While Feeling Grounded

Create a Nourishing Spiritual Practice Connecting You to Your Heart & Soul

Feel More Happy, Alive, Embodied and Attuned to All That You Believe In

Experience an Overflow of Energy so You Can Support Others On Their Healing Journey

Kiya Ankara

Best-Selling Author, Spiritual Teacher,
Tantra & Energy Healing Expert

Dear Spiritual Seeker, Healer, Life Coach or Holistic Therapist

Have you been on your healing journey for years, stuck in a process that seems as if it never ends?…


Have you tried countless techniques and approaches that never integrated into your daily practice, or never got shared with others?


Do you feel you have an intuitive ability to help others on their healing journey, yet lack a proven system and set of techniques to work with?


Do you desire to help others on their healing journey, yet you keep telling yourself you need to “do more self-healing first” (even though you’ve been working on yourself for years?)


If so… I’d love to share my story

My name’s Kiya and I’ve been a spiritual teacher for 16 years. 4.5 Years ago I got electrocuted and almost died.


As I was recovering from this near-death experience I began to feel more and more lost…

I hated my full time job as a filmmaker, and I was stuck in a destructive cycle of drinking and smoking to try and numb the pain.

I was hiding my healing gifts from the world by leaving it as my part-time hobby. 

I had failed to heal myself from my addictions, leaving me ashamed to even call myself a healer. 

I had been on my healing journey for years and yet I still knew I needed more self-healing before offering healing assistance to others.

In others words… I still felt unworthy to share my gifts with the world.

This realization was painful, yet I knew it was the truth…

I was living in paradise in Bali, but inside I was experiencing hell. Desperate to escape, but unsure how to, I made a prayer to all that I believe in: ‘Please Help Me, I need to find a way out.’ 

Seemingly from out of nowhere, I felt called to Egyptian teachings. It led me on a journey to uncover the secret healing keys to overcome my biggest challenges.


One eventful day, after chanting an Invocation chant to Isis – I had the most powerful vision of my life.

Within it, I met Goddess Isis – the Egyptian Goddess of Healing – and was told I was here to fulfill a mission – to help bring some of the lost Egyptian teachings back to the world. 

Isis offered to help me on my healing path, and to re-initiate me into the Egyptian Lineage I had known in past lives. The drinking and the smoking fell away, as I rediscovered the spiritual path I had been searching for. 

After 25 years of exploring spirituality I had found my path.

Isis said: “Everything you have done throughout these years, has been preparing you for this.”

As this relationship with Isis deepened, I was guided into 9 days of download and initiations – 80,000 words in 9 days – which came to birth an entire Mystery School in a Book. At the heart of those teachings is an Energy Healing System based on the Ancient Egyptian technology of the Ankh, which is as powerful today as it was thousands of years ago.  

Since that moment I have dedicated my life to these Egyptian Lineage teachings, to share the wisdom of Goddess Isis and the Neteru – the divine guides of Egypt – with the wider world. 

Working with Isis I have downloaded Ancient Ankh Breathwork Techniques to super energize your life, and help connect you even more powerfully to your heart and soul.

I have received Ankh Energy Healing Techniques to help remove emotional blockages and release deep trauma from your childhood. 

I have been initiated by Goddess Isis to unlock the Ankh Healing symbol in the palms of my hands, in order to pass on this potent initiation to others – including you – through this book.

I have created Ankh Healing techniques to help you pour golden light into your body for your highest healing. 

After years of teaching I have put all these Ankh Healing tools into a book called: 

Ankh Healing – The Ancient Egyptian Energy Healing System

And I have made this book available for Spiritual Seekers, Healers, Life Coaches and Holistic Therapists to provide them with a proven system to support their own deep healing, as well as empowering them to learn how to offer Ankh Healing as a potent healing stream to others. 

I can also assist you in overcoming the deeply rooted belief of not feeling worthy enough to share your healing gifts with the world.

But don’t take my word for it. Let me show you what my students think of Ankh Healing:

Ankh Healing definitely is Reiki on steroids. And I felt so held in the experience. I really felt held by something so much larger than me.”  



“I felt this surge of energy and love… it was fantastic, amazing. It’s touching my heart just to hear you speak about it and share about it. There’s so much love from the Egyptian gods and goddesses and all we need to do is just make time and space and they’re right there.”



“I went deep into a transmission state and I went to the Pyramids. I was rocking backwards and forwards, really deeply tuned to heaven above and the earth below. To be anchored at the same time was very powerful.”



“I’ve been having tinnitus for the last 20 years. During the training I felt this choking feeling in my throat and a tightness in my jaw. As we moved past that area the tinnitus dampened way down. I can barely hear it now, which is amazing for me. So that was a very profound thing for me during the whole session. I felt like I was under a weighted blanket. I felt very secure, very comfortable.”  



“During the Ankh Healing Meditation everything went silent… all the noise stopped and I was just in my own being and then hot rushes of energy were going all up the back of my neck.”



Get Your Copy Today!

Ankh Healing: The Ancient Egyptian
Energy Healing  System

Ankh Healing is a 200-page ebook that gives you everything you need to know about how to work with Goddess Isis, and the Ankh as a healing tool.

It includes Ankh Breathwork, Ankh Yoga, Ankh Energy Circulation and Ankh Visualization practices to super-charge you and your life. 

You can buy it if you want.

It’s only $4.97.

The tools covered in this book help align you to All That You Believe In, and connect you to higher consciousness for self-healing. It teaches you how to channel golden healing energy into yourself, and at later stages you can learn how to offer this to others.

This book offers you the Secret Ankh Teachings that Initiates once received in the Egyptian Temples thousands of years ago.

This includes a special unlocking of the Ankh in the palms of your hands, opening them to become conduits through which powerful healing energy can pour.

Working with these techniques you will experience divine connection directly, and become the conduit for the golden Ankh Healing energy to pour through. As one student described it: “It’s like Reiki on steroids.”

Here’s Some Of What You’ll Discover Inside This Brand New Book:


How Ankh Healing can support you in powerful self-healing

How Isis - Egyptian goddess of healing and magic - can help bring magic and energy mastery into your life.

How to open the heart with Ankh practices – to feel more, love more and heal more

How to expand consciousness with Ankh Breathwork and access higher states

How to connect your body to your heart and soul to access your superpowers!

How to start feeling energy in your body (even if you never have before)

How to navigate through blockages with the support of Goddess Isis and the Ankh

How to work with pyramids as powerful containers for healing

How to unlock the Ankh in the palm of your hands to let healing light pour through

How to open to ecstatic states using breath, movement and sound

How to activate Sekhem (your inner serpent power) to help purify your energy channels and support you to rise into higher states

How the Ankh maps onto the body (and energy body), revealing a secret pathway that has been almost entirely forgotten.

How to expand consciousness with Ankh Breathwork and plug you into earth energy and heavenly energy to access your superpowers!

How to work with the Ankh as a yoga flow that unites body, heart and soul into one

How to bring more fire into your Ankh Breath, Movement and Dance – to get your endorphins pumping and your serotonin rising!

How to work with the violet flame - a sacred purification tool that helps you release anything that might arise during your healing sessions

How to use Ankh Healing for deep emotional healing and trauma release

How to unlock your Ka - your energy body – to start feeling the electrical current of aliveness permeating your whole body – preparing you for next-level living

How to activate energy using Ancient Egyptian chants to create whole-brain states of bliss and super-connection

Get Your Copy Right Now For Just $4.95

And You’ll Receive ALL of these Bonuses for FREE:

Bonus Video 1: My Shocking Near-Death Journey into Egyptian Wisdom


(Includes Learning The Foundations Of Ankh Breathwork)


In this video, I’ll share my crazy near-death electrocution experience that fast-tracked my connection with Goddess Isis and the Egyptian teachings. I’ll also introduce you to the foundations of Ankh Breathwork to help unite your body, heart, and soul into one. This practice is an integral key to the Ankh Healing teachings within the book.

Bonus Video 1: My Shocking Near-Death Journey into Egyptian Wisdom


(Includes Learning The Foundations Of Ankh Breathwork)


In this video, I’ll share my crazy near-death electrocution experience that fast-tracked my connection with Goddess Isis and the Egyptian teachings. I’ll also introduce you to the foundations of Ankh Breathwork to help unite your body, heart, and soul into one. This practice is an integral key to the Ankh Healing teachings within the book.

Bonus Video 2: The Ancient Secrets of Ankh Breathwork


Discover The Hidden History Of Ankh Breathhwork

Here I explore the hieroglyphic and historical evidence showing that the ancient Egyptians worked with the Ankh using ancient breathwork practices. The hieroglyphs reveal this ‘secret wisdom’ – hidden in plain sight for all to see. (As a side note, I’m still waiting for the editor to confirm if there’s a specific practice in this video, so I may need to add that later.)

Bonus Video 3: Light your Fire with the Ankh

Supercharge Your Energy And Fire Up Your Healing Journey With Ankh Breathwork

If you haven’t felt the power of the Ankh yet, get ready! In this video I guide you to engage with the Ankh in an activating, dynamic way. This includes a fast ‘n’ fiery breath and movement technique, plus ideas of how to integrate it into dance. These methods are powerful for activating fire in your system, promoting healing heat and opening purification pathways.

Bonus Video 3: Light your Fire with the Ankh

Supercharge Your Energy And Fire Up Your Healing Journey With Ankh Breathwork

If you haven’t felt the power of the Ankh yet, get ready! In this video I guide you to engage with the Ankh in an activating, dynamic way. This includes a fast ‘n’ fiery breath and movement technique, plus ideas of how to integrate it into dance. These methods are powerful for activating fire in your system, promoting healing heat and opening purification pathways.

Bonus Video 4: The Secret of All Ankh Secrets


Activate Infinite Energy With The Advanced “Flipping The Loop” Ankh Breathwork Technique

In this video I reveal the most crucial secret to working with the Ankh. This involves ‘flipping the loop’ to activate this ancient energy pathway. In doing so we create an eternal loop of energy that can be circulated between body, heart and soul, offering an almost infinite energy supply. I guide you into the initiation process through the video. 

Bonus Video 5: Uniting Ankh Breath and Ankh Healing


Combine Ankh Breathwork and Hands-on Energy Healing Techniques For Deeper Healing and Nervous System Regulation

In this video, we explore how everything learnt from the previous videos integrates into the wider Ankh Healing system. Utilising these powerful Ankh Breathwork techniques, we merge these techniques with hands-on healing, to carry you into deeper self-love, healing, releasing, and nervous system rebalancing.

Bonus Video 5: Uniting Ankh Breath and Ankh Healing


Combine Ankh Breathwork and Hands-on Energy Healing Techniques For Deeper Healing and Nervous System Regulation

In this video, we explore how everything learnt from the previous videos integrates into the wider Ankh Healing system. Utilising these powerful Ankh Breathwork techniques, we merge these techniques with hands-on healing, to carry you into deeper self-love, healing, releasing, and nervous system rebalancing.

Bonus Video 6: Ankh Breathwork for Couples

Learn The Ankh Breathwork For Couples Exercise To Deepen Connection & Intimacy With Your Beloved (or a good friend!)

This video focuses on how to explore the Ankh as a couples practice. I’ll guide you step-by-step as you share this with a friend or beloved (there is also a solo variation). This practice creates a powerful energy exchange that attunes bodies, hearts and souls. It can beautifully deepen your relationships, whether romantic or platonic.

Bonus Video 7: Ankh Practice for Beloveds


How To Work With The Ankh To Experience Higher States Of Love-making and Soul Communion With Your Partner

Rise higher with the Ankh within a beloved relationship. This is designed especially for romantic partners ready to go to deeper levels of intimacy. Come be guided to share through the Ankh energy pathway that helps merge two hearts into one. It also unites you soul to soul, connecting you into higher states of consciousness. Once learnt you can integrate this practice in the bedroom for next-level lovemaking experiences.

Ankh Healing – The Ancient Egyptian Energy Healing System is available for a one-time payment of just $4.95. When you order today, you’ll get an immediate digital download, plus all 7 of the bonuses listed above at no additional cost (note: the bonus videos are shared 1 per day over 7 days).

Order your digital copy today and get all the techniques I have created and perfected over the years to help my clients and students on their healing journey.

Bonus Video 7: Ankh Practice for Beloveds


How To Work With The Ankh To Experience Higher States Of Love-making and Soul Communion With Your Partner

Rise higher with the Ankh within a beloved relationship. This is designed especially for romantic partners ready to go to deeper levels of intimacy. Come be guided to share through the Ankh energy pathway that helps merge two hearts into one. It also unites you soul to soul, connecting you into higher states of consciousness. Once learnt you can integrate this practice in the bedroom for next-level lovemaking experiences.

Ankh Healing – The Ancient Egyptian Energy Healing System is available for a one-time payment of just $4.95. When you order today, you’ll get an immediate digital download, plus all 7 of the bonuses listed above at no additional cost (note: the bonus videos are shared 1 per day over 7 days).

Order your digital copy today and get all the techniques I have created and perfected over the years to help my clients and students on their healing journey.

Here’s What People Are Saying About

Ankh Healing – The Ancient Egyptian Energy Healing System

I went deep into a transmission state and I went to the Pyramids. I was rocking backwards and forwards, really deeply tuned to heaven above and the earth below. To be anchored at the same time was very powerful.

Ankh Healing Training Participant

Just beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I can’t thank you enough. That was just amazing. Amazing.
Jenny, Ankh Healing Training Participant

That was such a deep healing. So grateful for this training.


Carina, Ankh Healing Training Participant

Thank you for teaching us how to do that. That was amazing.


Rose, Ankh Healing Training Participant

I’m very excited today. Right before the class I did the Ankh practice and I’m continuing to heal. I’m feeling a lot better. Thank you. I’m truly excited to learn this level two to heal my friends and family and whoever else that wants to receive healing from me. So again I just want to say thank you.

Gustav, Ankh Healing Training Participant

I’ve been having tinnitus for the last 20 years. During the training I felt this choking feeling in my throat and a tightness in my jaw. As we moved past that area the tinnitus dampened way down. I can barely hear it now, which is amazing for me. So that was a very profound thing for me during the whole session. I felt like I was under a weighted blanket. I felt very secure, very comfortable.

Paul, Ankh Healing Training Participant

I felt this surge of energy and love… it was fantastic, amazing. It’s touching my heart just to hear you speak about it and share about it.

There’s so much love from the Egyptian gods and goddesses and all we need to do is just make time and space and they’re right there.”

Ankh Healing Training Participant

Definitely Reiki on steroids. And I felt so held in the experience. I really felt held by something so much larger than me.

Colin, Ankh Healing Training Participant

Everything went silent… all the noise stopped and I was just in my own being and then hot rushes of energy were going all up the back of my neck.”

Phoenix, Ankh Healing Training Participant

I can feel a lot of pain in my shoulders (from a physical issue). The Ankh Healing is bringing awareness to the pain that’s been there but I haven’t been breathing into until now. So it’s revealing itself, and its amazing.

Jasmine, Ankh Healing Training Participant

Just adding this extra Ankh Breathwork element it kind of just activates the higher chakras more. Yeah. It just really works very powerfully. 

Kaela, Ankh Healing Training Participant

Lots of respiratory things have been coming up and I’ve been doing a lot of sacral and throat work. I found the Ankh to be incredible. There was a moment where I was working with it, and there was this feeling of: ‘from my will, to thy will’… working with the Ankh saying the word over and over again. It was just profound and I felt safe. Safe to go deep.

Tim, Ankh Healing Training Participant

Completely different energy from Usui Reiki. It has its own unique flavor.

Penelope, Ankh Healing Training Participant

I’ve been having tinnitus for the last 20 years. During the training I felt this choking feeling in my throat and a tightness in my jaw. As we moved past that area the tinnitus dampened way down. I can barely hear it now, which is amazing for me. So that was a very profound thing for me during the whole session. I felt like I was under a weighted blanket. I felt very secure, very comfortable.

Ankh Healing Training Participant

Get Ankh Healing – The Ancient Egyptian Energy Healing System  + All 7 Bonus For Just $4.95

Digital Copy Of Ankh Healing - The Ancient Egyptian Energy Healing System (in EPUB/KINDLE & PDF formats)

Bonus Video 1: My Near-Death Journey into Egyptian Wisdom

Bonus Video 2: The Ancient Secrets of Ankh Breathwork

Bonus Video 3: Ignite your Fire with the Ankh

Bonus Video 4: The Secret of All Ankh Secrets

Bonus Video 5: Uniting Ankh Breath and Ankh Healing

Bonus Video 6: Ankh Breathwork for Couples

Bonus Video 7: Ankh Practice for Beloveds

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Just $4.95

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Ankh Healing: The Ancient Egyptian Energy Healing System will show you everything that we’ve told you about on this page and more.


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