The Chemistry of Lovemaking

Tantric lovemaking releases the same chemicals that regular lovemaking would release, but there is a significant difference, because tantric lovemaking is able to extend the time in which these chemicals are at play.

When Egyptian energy circulation practices are explored and mastered, techniques such as Ankh Breathwork can then be brought into lovemaking to help us expand and deepen the entire love experience.

It also enables us redirect the energy that has built up in the sex centre, and direct it to the heart and the higher energy centres in the body. The benefits of this are multiple. Firstly, you can make love for longer, and open to the flood of beneficial hormones and chemicals for longer too.

You can also elevate – together with your partner – into higher states of consciousness. This is what tantra teacher Margot Anand famously called ‘SkyDancing Tantra’, for indeed during those peak states it can feel like we expand into blissful heavenly planes, as if we are soaring through the universe.

I realise that might sound a little ‘out there’, but once you have the direct experience of Egyptian Tantra (or indeed many of the tantric paths available today), then the doors of perception are truly cleansed and revealed as infinite.


Body Chemistry

Perhaps far more important than reaching heaven, is you feeling the blissful chemical cocktail in your body as you deepen into tantric lovemaking. So what are the chemicals that start activating when we make love?  

–       Oxytocin is a hormone that creates deep feelings of communion and intimacy.

–       Endorphins are released, reducing pain and alleviating stress.

–       Dopamine dials up – the pleasure chemical – which has been compared to the body’s natural equivalent to cocaine. 

–       Nitric Oxide causes an increase in blood flow throughout the body, this is why the nipples engorge, as well as the penis. 

As you make love, depending on the speed of your lovemaking your heart rate, breathing and blood pressure will likely increase. Dopamine and epinephrine (the adrenaline hormone) keep increasing as your lovemaking continues. As you approach climax, muscles might start to tense to bring about an orgasm. If you continue with more regular lovemaking you would likely orgasm. 

But when you shift into Tantric Lovemaking, you learn to pause, breathe, relax, open, and redirect energy through the entire body. From this you can go into whole body orgasmic states. In moving away from conventional orgasm, we enter into profound blissful ecstatic states with our partner. There are techniques and practices to support this shift.

In learning the Egyptian Tantric Secrets, energy mastery naturally leads to sexual mastery. It also expands and opens us to profound higher states of consciousness on a regular basis. When the energy practices are blended with your lovemaking, it carries lovemaking to new dimensions. 


Stress, Anxiety

and the Vague Nerve

Let’s be honest, we all experience stress at some point. Life, work, kids, bills, demands from every direction, not enough time to do everything… so many things can lead to a sense of overwhelm. When this happens our autonomic nervous system will activate our ‘fight-or-flight’ response by activating our sympathetic nervous system. Once upon a caveman time, that fight or flight response would have saved us from an animal hunting us down.

In our modern times, the same response can kick in whenever we are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. But it’s not always the most useful tool in every moment. Often, after a stressful day we need to regulate our nervous system, to shift it out of fight-or-flight and into the rest and relax response, governed by the parasympathetic nervous system.

How do we shift into rest and relax? Breathwork can be one of the most efficient and effective tools, something we can consciously change (through pace, depth and rhythm) to calm the nervous system down, and activate the parasympathetic. Through that we shift into peace and calm.

As has been proven: “Studies have shown breath practices to reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, insomnia, PTSD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit disorder and schizophrenia.”

When we breathe in the right way we activate the vagus nerve, a cranial nerve that runs down through the body and connects to the organs, heart, lungs and digestion. Crucially, when we elongate the exhale and sigh (‘aaaaaaaaahh’) we stimulate the vagus nerve and enter into deeper states of relaxation. If you keep sighing on the exhale for some time, we gently ease into relaxed and peaceful states.

Ancient Tools, Modern Times

At Mystika we see all of this as crucial aspect of energy mastery. Once you know the tools and techniques you can directly regulate your own nervous system, and also support others to regulate theirs.

If you’re with your partner and they are stressed out, you need ways to move out of that stress with ease, grace, and even fun and laughter too. This is all part of the Egyptian Tantric toolkit. 

We are hacking the brain wave states, increasing healthy chemicals to flow through the body, and getting out of fight or flight and into relaxed and open.

This may be founded on some ancient techniques, but we use them because they work. We mix them with other more contemporary techniques that are powerful and truly life-changing, to create a blend that is the finest of the old and the new, heaven into new forms to best support us in our day to day contemporary lives.

So why not try out the Egyptian Tantric tools and see if they work for you?