Become a certified healer

with Ancient Egyptian Ankh Healing

Go on a deep initiatory journey

and learn how to offer healing to yourself and others…


Uncover and heal emotional wounds and help others do the same.


Boost your energetic state to experience more joy, blissfulness and peace of mind.


Connect with the Egyptian gods and goddesses including Goddess Isis and Ra to enter higher states.

These Initiations are based on teachings
the # 1 best-selling book ‘Egyptian Tantric Secrets’
recommended by the biggest names in tantra…



Hannah Lucas Goldberg, Professional Dancer & Transformation Coach

“Kiya is a gifted space holder, and led his Level 1 Egyptian Initiation beautifully. He is clearly knowledgable about the significance and potency of the Ankh, and truly embodies these mysteries and teachings. It was an informative, transportive, and playful day. I felt the integration continue to unfold powerfully over the next several days (and am sure it will continue to reveal more!). I’m looking forward to attending Level 2!”

Tim Griffiths, Psychotherapy Student

“I’ve been working with Kiya for a couple of months through one to ones to help shift sexual trauma, bring me back into my body and to help induce orgasmic states. I’ve really connected to these ancient breathwork practices, which have literally transformed my life in so many ways. My confidence, my ability to speak, I’ve been doing loads more videos and showing my face and speaking and singing and since I’ve been doing this breathwork. I really believe in what Kiya’s doing, and the medicine he’s bringing to so many people in the world.”

Maria, Egyptian Doctor

“Kiya is a pure channel, I have experienced powerful encounters and teachings from Isis, The Hathors and Mary Magdalene that flow easily through him. I have remembered several past lives, been initiated and activated on multi-dimensional levels. I’ve learnt vast spiritual tools for personal healing and for healing others. Kiya also helped me deeply uproot feelings of shame and guilt, to help catapult my spiritual progress. I have experienced phenomenal breakthroughs… it’s life changing!” 

Larissa Smith, Tantra and Embodiment Teacher

“Kiya has a way of taking me home, deeper into my heart and expanding with the beloved… expanding my mind & energy body to open up and receive more love”

If you are feeling stuck in life, this training is for you!

Are you feeling…

  • Numb to life and your emotions?
  • Disconnected from your body?
  • Angry, jealous or resentful at times?
  • Cut off from your spiritual nature?
  • Depressed and unsure how to get out of this state?
  • Curious if there’s more to life than what you’ve learnt so far? 

Are you desiring…

  • To learn more tools for self-healing?
  • To master healing skills you can share with others?
  • To go on a healing initiation journey?
  • To feel more effortless joy and peace?
  • To live with a more open heart?
  • To release stuck emotions inside your body?
  • To deepen your connection to your soul and spirituality?

Introducing Mystika school’S certified Energy healing TRAINING

Ankh Healing is the Egyptian equivalent to Reiki. It unlocks the Ankh symbol in the palm of your hands so you can start pouring powerful life-force energy through, for self-healing or for healing others.

It connects this healing channel with the power of Ankh Breathwork, an ancient Egyptian breath technique once utilized in the temples. Uniting this breath technique with Ankh Healing creates a super energized healing technology.

Deeply connected to Isis and Ra, this is a powerful solar/lunar stream of energy anyone can connect to – you just need an initiation to activate and deepen into the stream.

Who is this Initiation for?


interested to learn a lifelong healing skill


Healers and space holders

who wish to offer deep healing to others


Through this 2-Level TRAINING you will learn:

  • How to unlock and run Ankh energy through multiple energy circuits, in and around your body.
  • How to use this energy to initiate a healing process uncovering and releasing emotional wounds, either for yourself (Level 1) or for others (Level 2).
  • How to enter powerful energy states on a regular basis to be more joyful, fruitful and blissful in life.
  • How to use breath, sound, movement, and meditation to open yourself to deeper experiences, solo or with others.

How does it work?

Ankh Healing – Level 1

This Ankh Healing Initiation is an online self-study course, and an initiatory journey for anyone that joins. 

Within Level 1 you will learn:

  • How to connect with Isis and Ra to access healing frequencies
  • How to work with ancient Hesi (Egyptian mantra) to support your connection to the lineage
  • How to use Ankh Breathwork as an advanced spiritual practice for energy expansion and super connection.
  • To unlock your Ankh palms so healing energy can pour through them
  • To breathe through your Ankh energy pathways to super-charge your healings.
  • To work with the Ankh for self-healing, balancing, and nervous system regulation
  • Healing techniques for hands-on physical healing
  • Healing skills for working with the energy field.
  • Techniques for clearly released energy quickly and effectively.
  •  Ways to deepen with a daily Ankh based practice that nourishes you, aligns you and connects you.
  • Ways to connect to your heart and your soul, so day by day you clarify why you are here, and what your soul purpose is.



Ankh Healing – Level 2

Within this second stage weekend initiation you discover how to offer this healing modality to other people, in a way that is powerful and safe (for them and also for you).

During Level 2 you learn:

  • How to create a safe temple space for others (including protocol for setting up your space physically and energetically)
  • Grounding in how to hold space for other people’s emotions and traumas
  • The art of holding powerful healing space for others
  • Methods for clearing unwanted energies from others and yourself
  • Techniques of hands-on healing for others
  • Techiques for energy field healing
  • Violet flame initiation (to ensure you don’t pick anything up from your clients – super important!)
  • How to guide a client on a healing journey over a series of sessions.
  • How to prepare yourself (post training) to offer healing sessions to others.


what you will Receive from THESE Ankh Healing InitiationS: 

  • Access to the full live Ankh Healing Weekend Initiation including: 2 x 3.5 hours of online training/initiations (worth $777)
  • Study guide, guided videos and audios for ongoing practice (worth $99)
  • Access to the replay of the initiations if you cannot join live
  • Bonus ‘Egyptian Tantric Secrets’ full book (worth $10)  
  • A digital certificate of completion signed by Kiya Ankara on behalf of Mystika School.

To make the program available for everyone,  we are asking for a contribution of $444, instead of the combined value which is $886!


Following Level 2 you can certify as an Ankh Healing practitioner and offer sessions to others. This could be friends and family, or it could be paying clients who come to receive one or a series of sessions from you.

Note: there is some coursework to hand in, and practice sessions you need to give in order to get fully certified. 


Ankh Healing - Level 1

Self-Healing Pathway
  • Self-Study Online Training (2 x 3.5 hours)
  • Study/Ongoing Practice Guide (EPUB/PDF)
  • Bonus guided videos and audios for ongoing self-healing practice

Meet your teacher – Kiya Ankara

I’m Kiya, and I am super passionate about Isis, Magdalena, and the spiritual practices once used in the Egyptian temples thousands of years ago.

I started teaching ecstatic dance 15 years ago, then I moved into breathwork, and then tantra. I’ve guided groups of up to 150 people into ecstasy, and I also offer deep dive 1-to-1 trainings and initiations.

Breathwork is the heart of almost everything I teach – it is the fuel – the fire – that can ignite you, open you, awaken you, and bring you breath-by-breath into more expanded states.

This new series of Ankh Healing Initiations is getting me super excited! After 15 years of teaching and more recently 6 months of offering these Ankh Healing Initiations in person in Bali, it feels time to bring it to the world!

 These Initiations contain life-changing information but most importantly it gives you a series of guided initiatory experiences. These initiations unlock your energy – and your sensitivity to that energy – in a new way. 

They will leave you with a series of tools you can use for the rest of your life. Some of my recent students are now offering Ankh Healing sessions, and blowing other people’s minds! 

These teachings are your birthright. They’re every human’s birthright. 

So breathe deep, and get ready to open to the power of Isis, Ra and the Ankh!


To find out if this program is for you (or if there is an even better fit)


Your Title Goes Here


Can I pay in installments?

Level 1 is a single payment ($222 in total), but Level 1 & 2 can be split into a 2 stage payment: $222 pre-Level 1, followed by $111 pre-Level 2

Send me a pm on WhatsApp or instagram if you would like to make use of that!

(If your financial situation is really holding you back to get started right now, I may be able to make an exception for you.Send me a pm on whatsapp or instagram to explore this option.)

What the heck is an initiation anyway? And is it safe?

Within initiations you are guided step-by-step through a process of activating your body’s energy, and connecting to energies beyond the body – the earth, the sky, and the gods and goddesses.

Through breath, sound, movement or meditation techniques you sensitise to your energy body (your Ka). You learn powerful practices that for many people become spiritual tools they can use for a lifetime, and there is an awakening of more energy and more capacity to connect to energy from within your body and from the field of energy around you. It is powerful. After the initiations, you might need some integration time before doing other things. This is natural, and it’s good to take into consideration in terms of how you structure your day (or evening) after the Initiation.

I'm a beginner to Egyptian teachings or Initiations, is this course for me?

YES! This online program is suitable for you if you have a curiosity about Egypt or learning new spiritual healing modalities. I will guide and initiate you step-by-step. All you need is the willingness to try something new.

If you are still not sure if this is right for you, send me a pm on whatsapp or instagram and we can discuss if it’s a good fit or not.

I am already experienced in the field of reiki or healing, is this course for me?

Yes! Even if you have explored reiki or other healing modalities there is something unique within the Ankh Healing Method. One of my students joked that it was ‘Like Reiki on Steroids’. It also brings in the Egyptian lineage transmission making it very different to a traditional Reiki training.

So my view is that if you are experienced as a healer it will help to expand your healing toolkit into new directions, giving access to this unique Egyptian Lineage of Light (as Goddess Isis loves to call it) – this is the Egyptian mystery school lineage which remains undistorted by human influence. 

If you are still not sure if this is the right program for you, you can always send me a pm on whatsapp or instagram, let’s discuss! 

I don't know if I trust Egyptian teachings, some say they're dark and should be avoided. Any thoughts?

At times certain people (and secret societies) have taken Egyptian teachings and used them for selfish or destructive ends. This to me is where there was a distortion within the original teachings which took the teachings down a dark path. Separate to that is the Egyptian Lineage of Light, within which we focus on learning these ancient mysteries so as to be in service to the world. When we are helping ourselves – in areas such as self-healing for example – this is also done on behalf of the collective (and our ancestors) so we are contributing to the betterment of the global collective, those living and those who have passed on.

Can I ask questions if anything doesn't make sense during the training?

Yes you can! If you have any questions at any point in relation to the training, you can ask me directly on WhatsApp, and I will respond as soon as possible.

I’m excited, yet still a bit nervous to embark on this journey. Is this normal?

Yes, this is very normal. I felt nervous too when I first started exploring the world of spirituality.  It can feel a little edgy to dive into anything new, even though you KNOW you really want to go for it. Often the edge is where all the growth is! 

I can promise you it’s worth it and I’m here to support you along the way. If you need a little bit of support, feel free to send me a dm on instagram and share your hesitation.

I’m very sensitive to energy, are these initiations for me?

Being sensitive to energy puts you at an advantage. You will likely have a powerful experience. If at any point it starts to feel like too much you can let go of any practice or technique we might be working with and just rest and allow yourself to ground. 

I’m happy to share some tools to help you integrate the energy more efficiently, and if you want you can reach out in advance and we can talk about these extra tools. I’m here to support you along the way so feel free to dm on instagram or WhatsApp and share your hesitation.

I don't really feel energy, is it worth me doing these trainings?

If you’re new to energy practices I feel strongly that these kind of initiations can fast-track that energy sensitisation process. This is exactly what happened to me 20 + years ago when I went for my first Reiki Initiation. The experience itself was beautiful, but more importantly over the following few weeks, I started to notice more ability to sense energy within myself, in others, and in the world around me. We all open to energy sensitivity at different speeds, and I know many men and women who have been ‘upgraded’ by initiations such as these, in a way that feels truly life changing.

I have another question? Where do I ask it?

You can ask me anything on WhatsApp or through instagram DM.